Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Big News

The cat is out of the bag, but it must be documented.

Baby #2 is on it's way to our growing family!

We are pretty stoked about it now. When we first found out, I was far from stoked. It took about 3 months to get pregnant with Abby.. Yeah, not so much with this one.

I went to the doctor last week for the first time and Dr. W tried to find a heartbeat for about 20 minutes before he gave up and we went next door for an ultrasound. Right away he found a heartbeat. What a heart wrenching 20 minutes that was for me. It was at that moment, when I was flipping out, that I knew I loved this little guy/girl with all my heart already. I couldn't bear the thought of having a miscarriage (even though I know that happens frequently). When the doc showed me our little baby I just finally burst into tears of relief.
We go in tomorrow to have another ultrasound to do all the measuring. As for now, we think I'm 13 weeks, but we'll find out for sure tomorrow. Which reminds me I need to get in and do all the wonderful pregnancy blood work. Bleh. I think my due date is Oct 24th, unless I'm fewer/more weeks than we think.
So, HEELLLLOO Summer pregnancy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

3 Years Later... And Still No (recent) Picture.

I decided I should probably blog about our anniversary before I forget everything that we did. :)

Paul and I hit 3 years on March 22. Since it was a Tuesday, we decided to celebrate the weekend before...
So, Saturday we had my fabulous little sister come watch Abby for the evening so we could go to dinner and a movie. We went out to Cheesecake Factory in the mall. It was wonderful as ever! We both left stuffed and tired, but it was still pretty early so I called Beth to see how things were going. Since they were going well, we decided to head to see The Adjustment Bureau. We hadn't been to a movie in ages. Really. They are just so dang expensive, so we were a little tentative to go spend the money in hopes to see a fabulous movie. (isn't always annoying when you spend the money and the movie just sucks?) (maybe that's just my crabbiness in my old age.) The movie was great, with exception of the corny ending.
We didn't do anything extravagant or wild and crazy, but we had so. much. fun. It was SO nice to have a grown up conversation and to just spend time with each other. It'd been a long time since we were able to enjoy each other's company like we did that day. It was like we were 18 and dating again. You know those dates when you just don't ever want to go home? You can be doing completely nothing, but it's the best nothing in the world.
I love this man of mine. It's so wonderful to be married to my very best friend. Laughter is key to our relationship and let me just say, there is always plenty of that. Paul is such a fantastic father to Abby. So patient, kind, loving and caring. I'm so blessed to have an eternity with him.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Confessions of an Unbalanced Women- 4

  1. I borrowed the book "Confessions of an Unbalanced Women" from my SIL, and haven't started reading it yet.
  2. I haven't blogged about our anniversary, which makes me lame, but I want to get a cute picture of Paul and I together first. And we n.e.v.e.r. take pictures together... so don't hold your breath.
  3. I facebook stock people. Sometimes people I don't know. But I think it's fun. So make your facebook private if you don't want creepers like me comin' round.
  4. I've lost 10 lbs in the last few weeks. Too bad it I can't even tell where it's falling off! Lame.
  5. I told Paul if he didn't want pizza for a 2nd night in a row, he would have to take me to Carl's Jr tonight. Guess what? We aren't having pizza for a 2nd night in a row.... :)
  6. I really don't like to be outside. Like at all. I get too hot too fast and it's just miserable. Why do I live in Texas? Family. And Paul's still in school. Hello Summer... shoot.me.now.
  7. I cleaned my bathroom last week for the 2nd time since we moved here. And we moved here on Halloween of last year. Disgusting, huh? We have two bathrooms though, and no one sees ours. Thank goodness. Paul probably thinks I hired someone.
  8. I got a piano from my mom, but it has broken keys. I wish I could get it fixed so badly so I could teach myself a little more. I took a class in high school that taught me a little, and if I sit down long enough I can play a whole song... But I really just want this piano to work. I think it's beautiful. It was part of the plan to fix it with some of our tax return money... but then we bought a car.
  9. Paul's little brother, Jordan, is on a mission in NY. I want to go pick him up. It's been a life long dream of mine to go to that rat filled city and explore. I always said I'd do it before I got married... I should have told Paul to send me to NY before I would marry him. Good thinkin', Marls.
  10. I've never been a decorator, but I've been watching the Nate Berkus Show lately, and now I know I want my room to be light blue with a white comforter and a new bed frame thats also white and distressed looking. Cottage looking, you know? To go with our house with the white picket fence...(in 30 years) Paul's trying to sweet talk my FIL to make it. Hopefully he gets really sweet with his talkin.