Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two Years and 26 Days...

I've been a real slacker when it comes to posting on my blog. I've been thinking about posting this particular post for 26 days now, and finally I'm getting my rear in gear to do it..

Paul and I have been married for 2 years and 26 days :) I looked through our computer and facebook and photobucket, and these were a few of the pictures that I could come up with..

We never really had the "boyfriend-girlfriend" title, but we've been "together" since I turned 16. From the time Paul got back from his mission we've been inseparable and have many wonderful memories! It's so fun that we get to spend the rest of eternity together... I'm sure we will look back in 100 years and think "Wow, life has gone by so fast!" because that's how I already feel. It still seems like I'm 15 waiting to turn 16 so we can FINALLY go on a date. :) Well, sorta..

Paul is my best friend. He knows all my deepest darkest secrets. He knows my fears. He strengthens me when I feel weak. He encourages me when I need that extra *umph* to get going. He makes me laugh harder than anyone I've ever met. He loves me unconditionally no matter how big of a fool I am sometimes. He is motivated and has done many wonderful things. He's a wonderful, patient father and man. And he's all mine :)

Watching Talisa Jo preform when I was a Junior, Paul was a senior.
My 17th birthday party
Bowling... I can't remember how old we were..
Adam... Always getting those candid shots..
One of the 3 proms we went to together.. My senior prom :)
Bowling with Chelsea and Doug after we got engaged.
An engagement picture, winter of '07
Paul would pick me up (even though it was way out of the way) and we would ride to singles ward together every single Sunday from the time he got back from his mission :) Some of our favorite times together.
Our wedding day, March 22, 2008
On our cruise for our honeymoon.
Our wonderful little family:)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

High school sweethearts. I love it! Best wishes for 100 more 2 years and 26 days!